Matching Gifts

Did you know that your generous contributions to Barton College can go even further? By taking advantage of matching gift programs, you can double, or even triple, the impact of your donation. Read on to discover how matching gifts work and how you can be a catalyst for change.

What are matching gifts?

Matching gifts are a powerful and often overlooked way to increase the impact of your philanthropy. Many companies, both large and small, have programs in place to match their employees’ charitable donations. This means that for every dollar you give to Barton College, your employer might contribute an equal or higher amount, amplifying the overall effect of your generosity.

How do matching gifts work?

The process is simple and can be completed in just a few steps:

  1. Make a Donation: Start by making a gift to Barton College through our secure online donation form or other giving options.
  2. Check Eligibility: Find out if your employer participates in a matching gift program. You can inquire with your HR department or use our convenient matching gift database below to see if your company is eligible.
  3. Submit a Matching Gift Request: If your employer offers a matching gift program, submit a request following their guidelines. This typically involves filling out a short form online or through their internal system.
  4. Watch Your Impact Multiply: Once approved, your employer will match your gift, instantly doubling or tripling the value of your original contribution.

Why choose matching gifts?

When you choose matching gifts, you unlock a range of benefits that can significantly enhance the impact of your donations. Firstly, imagine the power of turning your $100 donation into $200 or more. With matching gifts, you can make a more substantial impact without increasing your personal financial commitment. Your generosity is amplified, and you directly contribute to supporting Barton College and our students.

Setting up your matching gift is easy and hassle-free. In just a few minutes, you can initiate a process that leads to a significant difference in the lives of Barton College students. By leveraging matching gifts, you enable Barton College to provide more resources and opportunities to its students, fostering a thriving learning environment.

Get Started Today!

Ready to ignite your impact? Simply type below to see if your employer offers a matching gift program and learn more about how you can make a lasting difference. 

Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant information provided by
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